Thursday, March 28, 2013

Leviticus 18:22

 Leviticus 18:22. One of the most infamous verses in the Bible. Fervent anti-gay protesters have used it as proof of the sinfulness and unnaturalness of homosexuality. However, this single verse doesn't define the Catholic church's position on same-sex marriage. Modern scientific advancements demonstrate that homosexuality is encoded in a person's genes, and is not a choice. The Catholic church's position on this issue is summarized by Mahatma Gandhi's famous phrase, "Hate the sin, love the sinner". It isn't gay people themselves whom Catholics ought to object to, but rather the breaking of the marital covenant established in Genesis. To summarize, the Catholic church is opposed to same -sex marriage because it violates the original marriage covenant in Genesis, when God makes Eve for Adam, not because homosexual couples are intrinsically immoral.

Civil Union

I recently saw the argument of gay marriage on the news again. I personally feel that gay civil union is okay, if the government bonds two men/women together, the relationship is a civil union. Marriage is between a man and a women. The bond between Adam and Eve was a marriage, and since Adam is a man and Eve is a women, the Catholic understanding of marriage is between a man and a woman.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Defending the Catholic Faith

Blog Description

As the name might hint, this blog is dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church and its marks of being One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Because this blog is a defense of Catholicism, it must necessarily be written from a Catholic perspective. We aren't picky about our target audience; Catholics, non-Catholic Christians, agnostics, and atheists are all welcome, regardless of age. Our posts will explain and refute common objections or misconceptions of the Catholic faith as contextualized to everyday life. For example, we might decide one day to defend the papacy against an objection in the media, or try to prove the existence of God to preserve the basis for Christianity.