Sunday, May 19, 2013

Man Fully Alive

             In Theology class, my teacher poses this question, "what does it mean to be man fully alive?" When hearing this, we all groan. Mainly because no one in our class knows the full answer to his question. If we ask him what the answer is, he replies with a cool and collected "I don't know." During this time, he is asking a multitude of follow up questions to our answers. From watching these these discussions, I reasoned that there is not one specific answer, but many equally important answers.
            Attaining My maximum potential is a very important aspect of man fully alive. Acquiring that maximum potential requires us to transcend into another level of success through hard work and determination. Let me give an example. When Michael Jordan first tried out for a basketball team, he did not make the cut. That means that everyone was better than him. Through hard work he was able to transcend his previous abilities and become the best ball player in the world. It may seem like all that hard work shows no results, but the truly successful keep working and working, eventually transcending.
           Loving thy neighbor frees up the conscience. Hate and a bad disposition fills my being and consumes all mythoughts. Whenever I am mad at someone, I cannot do anything at all, I am paralyzed with hate and stubbornness.
          Seeing as loving thy neighbor is an important part of man fully alive, so is being happy. Happiness can be achieved through many different routes, but one thing happiness is not, is materialism. The underlying tones of many of my posts criticizes the consume culture of America and the world. Advertisers make money by telling me that if I buy this and that, it will make me happy.
           Finally, the most fundamental way to be man fully alive is by glorifying God. The end goal of life is to be one with God; if you are one with God, then the three points above are fulfilled. Wanting to know God is the most instinctual feeling a human can have. Everybody has that feeling, it might be suppressed by our crazy fast culture, but it is there if you think about it.
         All in all, being one with God is Man Fully Alive.