Thursday, March 28, 2013

Leviticus 18:22

 Leviticus 18:22. One of the most infamous verses in the Bible. Fervent anti-gay protesters have used it as proof of the sinfulness and unnaturalness of homosexuality. However, this single verse doesn't define the Catholic church's position on same-sex marriage. Modern scientific advancements demonstrate that homosexuality is encoded in a person's genes, and is not a choice. The Catholic church's position on this issue is summarized by Mahatma Gandhi's famous phrase, "Hate the sin, love the sinner". It isn't gay people themselves whom Catholics ought to object to, but rather the breaking of the marital covenant established in Genesis. To summarize, the Catholic church is opposed to same -sex marriage because it violates the original marriage covenant in Genesis, when God makes Eve for Adam, not because homosexual couples are intrinsically immoral.

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