Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fishers of Men

In our modern society, the number of priests to administer the sacraments dwindles. Young people in our modern bustling society do not have Christ present in their life. The vocation to the priesthood becomes dimmer and dimmer when the pressure of our modern society fills up our time.  The priesthood goes against this modern culture. Modern culture consists of tons and tons of distractions. Televisions and video games take time away from Christ. The absence of Christ in our society is a big problem in our communities.
Daily mass was a big deal a generation ago. Many Catholic families attended and prayed the rosary every night. Now, some people barely even show up once a month. Even in our schools, any aspect of religion is omitted from the education system.
Our fast culture omits God from our lives. We are distracted by the materialistic ideas and appearances, but we never slow down anymore to take part in the Sacraments. God will always supply the Church with people who have heard the call to the priesthood, but that call is getting quieter and quieter.

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