Monday, April 29, 2013

The Sacraments and Human Nature

The Sacraments correspond to human nature because they help us understand truths that are not of this world. People have an instinctive need to understand, as the book puts it, "that which is invisible by experiencing that which is visible". For example, even if I tell someone I love them repeatedly , they won't believe me unless I show visible signs of that love, such as kindness, affection, or hugs. I can toss around the phrase "I love you" however many times I like, but human nature only allows us to understand the invisible (like the emotion of love) from the visible (signs that demonstrate love). It is the same with God and the Sacraments. The Sacraments correspond to human nature as they allow us to understand deeper realities, such as God, through their efficacious and visible nature. So the sacraments both allow us to receive grace from Christ and serve as instruments to help us understand the Trinity.

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